My resolution was to start running more often and get into a better exercise routine, which unfortunately was much harder during this busy holiday season than I had expected.
The first 3 weeks, I started out super motivated and ready to get this new exercise plan going---I did short runs about 3 times a week, which was not quite up to my goal but definitely better than I had been doing before!
The last few weeks though, I was SUPER swamped with stuff for work (aren't we all? Sigh...) and totally fell off of my new "routine". Boo! There would be a span of a few super busy days where I would literally forget to exercise at all.
So I'm a little bummed that I wasn't able to kick-start my running routine during these resolution period, BUT the good news is that I do feel even more motivated now than before. Although I didn't "meet" my resolution, I do think it helped me realize how much I want to change that and I'm definitely going to do my best to stick with running/exercising more! I actually just finished a 30 minute run a little while ago--yay! (Not just so I could write that in here, I promise, hahaha!)
I had lots of fun reading about other bloggers' resolutions and am really glad I participated in this fun project! :)
My goal for 2013 is to get back into running! I've found having a buddy to do it with is key to staying with it. Also registered for a race keeps me going as well. Good luck!!
registering for a race is a great way to motivate yourself to run! good luck!
I agree with Dara! Register for a 5k. Even if you can't run it all the way, it is motivation for improvement. It gets better with time. I have been running inconsistently for about 2 years, and it gets much better.
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