Sunday, August 14, 2011

Welcome to my blog!!!

Hello!! My name is Erin and this is my blog! I'm really excited to start this--I've been thinking about doing one for a few years, but for some funny reason, I just didn't seem to have time during my first few years of teaching, hah! Now things have settled down a little and it is SUMMERTIME, my favorite time of the year, and I decided it's a good time to begin this new project! 

I have LOTS of favorites--favorite purses, favorite books/authors, favorite teams, favorite stores, favorite vacation spots, favorite kinds of makeup, and even a favorite seat to sit in at my work's lunchroom...(that's normal, right? Haha!) And anyone who has ever been with me to a concert knows that I have about 200 favorite songs! No one is paying me (sadly) to talk about any of these products, people, or places, BUT it will still be fun to share just a few of my favorite things!


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