Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pinterest Wednesday and 100 Followers! :)

Happy Wednesday!! I'm linking up with Michelle at The Vintage Apple for Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday (a little late today, haha...), but first,  I wanted to share how excited I was earlier today when I saw that I now have 100 followers! Wow! I appreciate all of you who read and comment on my (mostly) ridiculous and non-super-important  random posts about life! :) Thank you!!!

Onto my favorite pins of the week (side note: I almost always accidentally type "pints" instead of pins just about every time I type it, haha...)

1.) Oooh, these sound yummy! And I think they are probably kind of healthy? Healthy-ish? They are carrots after all, hah!


2.) Super cute outfit for transitions between summer and fall! And that bag--I must have!


3.) Hahaha!! The look on that pug's face is priceless!!


4.) Love love this Iphone case! The color is soo pretty!


5.) Hah!! Oooh, so funny! 


6.) I am literally speechless. And laughing hysterically! :)



Elyse said...

That story is hilarious!

Elyse @ My Life with a Cherry on Top

Jenny said...

That is a cute iPhone case! Love pinterest, I might be slightly addicted to it!

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