Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday Social: Thankful

Today I'm linking up with Neely and Ashley for Sunday Social...

This week, instead of answering questions, we are all talking about what we are thankful for.. :)

Sunday Social

A little back story first:

It's been a little quiet on le blog recently. It's been a tough few months, dealing with a breakup that I really haven't talked about much here. My ex-boyfriend and I dated for about 8 months and were pretty serious (or so I thought) until he started acting a lot differently and started becoming really critical of me and certain things in my life.  It was tough going through all that, since it really was not a great breakup (are there any that really are great? haha)... It's been a bit of an emotional roller-coaster, there have been some tough days and a few sleepless nights, although I am feeling much better than I was even a few weeks ago and feel even more confident that this is really the best thing for me.... 

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I'm so grateful that my family has been there for me during all this. My sisters have listened to me vent, complain, cry and have reassured me that someone better will come along for me. My parents are so sweet and have been a great support in keeping my spirits up, while not asking me too many questions or pressing me for details. Because let's be honest, there are just some days where I don't feel like rehashing it all :( 

My family is awesome.. :)

Fabulous sisters! :)

I"m also thankful for my friends who add fun, laughter and joy to my life! I feel very lucky to have friends from high school and college that have remained good friends as time has gone on, and friends/co-workers who make every-day life fun! :) My friends have also been a great support for me during this time and I'm so grateful that so many people love and care about me... :)

So many wonderful friends!! 

Most of all, I'm thankful that I have my faith in God to rely on when things get tough. I'm so thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus made for me on the cross thousands of years ago, I'm thankful that God hears my prayers and loves me. I'm thankful that I can put my trust in His plan for me and know that He loves and cares for me..

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Whew! Lots of thoughts, lots of things to be thankful for each and every day, but on a lighter note....this made me crack up! Hahaha.....

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anna lizbeth said...

its so great to have family and friends who you know will always be there for you!! it really makes life better! xo annalizbeth

Cori H. said...

I'm sorry you've been going through a rough time! I had to take a bit of a blogging break for a similar reason. I'm glad you have such great people around you to lift you up and make you feel better!

Helene said...

sorry about your tough time, but at least you can look at the lighter side!

Helene in Between

Kristin said...

so sorry about your tough breakup. i just went through it myself and honestly, it seems you did the right thing. onward & upward!

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about your break up.It's nice to know that you have your family and friends to rely on and help you get through it.
I'm a new follower from the resolutions in motion GFC hop. :)

Lauren @ Style Elixir said...

Hi Erin, I'm sorry to hear about your break-up ... they're never easy - but it's always because something better is going to happen and you'll look back and be so glad things worked out the way they did.

Lauren @

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