Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Social!

Sunday Social

Linking up with Neely and Ashley for Sunday Social!! :) 

This Week's Questions:
1. Do you plan to change any of your eating habits in the new year? 
I'm definitely going to try to cut back on the carbs because I eat way too many! 
And increase my veggies and fruit intake. 
I've heard of some people who do a vegetarian diet one day a week--they
 call it "Meatless Monday"--and I think that sounds really interesting to
 possibly try this year. Plus I like the name, haha! :)

2. Any workout tips to get us back in shape after the Holidays? 
Try varying the workouts you do so you don't get bored. 
Also, a great playlist on your Ipod can definitely help 
you keep going!

3. Favorite thing you did over the Holidays? 
I spent lots of time with my family, which was awesome! :) 
We had fun opening presents, eating lots of food and enjoying 
some relaxing, chill-out time!

4. What is something you hope that you accomplish 
in 2013 that you did not in 2012? 
Hmm, my main goal for 2013 is to get back into running and 
complete some races. Although I did that in early 2012, I'm still 
going to put it here because that really is the BIG goal I hope to 
accomplish this year! 

5. Name 3 things happening this year you are excited about and why: 
This year I'm going to be teaching an after-school remediation 
class, which I'm excited about! I'm also going to be looking at buying 
a condo, which is awesome/scary! :) Ooh and I'm seeing Bon Jovi in 
February--cannot wait!!!


Jacquie said...

a vegetarian day sounds yummy! I would have to figure out a way to hide it though, my boyfriend won't eat vegetables at all... he says he won't eat "What food eats"
Good luck on the condo and have fun at bon jovi!

TRICIA said...

Good luck with your running! Love good family time over the holidays! Glad you could do the same. :)

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I guess I have many vegertarian days since I have days when I only have in hot

Hope you get back into running me I am not a runner if I run I end up wetting

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