Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pinterest Wednesday!

Well, well, well. Helloooooo Wednesday! After last week literally seemed to last about 5 years, I have to say, this week is skipping on by. Yay!

 I love Wednesdays for several reasons but mainly because I love linking up with Michelle at The Vintage Apple for Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday!

My Pinterest obsession  interest has grown to an all-time high, but pssh..there are much worse habits I could have than spending lots of time pinning cute things! ;) :)

Here are some of my favorites:

1.) This is adorable! You print the pictures out on colored paper, cut them out and stick them in a frame! What a fabulous idea! 


2.) Another cute craft! Small Christmas ornaments in a shadow box frame and voila! So pretty!


3.) Love this. So true....


4.) What a cool idea! Take out space from an extra closet (umm, who has extra closets in their room? That's what I'd like to know...hahaha) and turn it into a little office nook! Love it...


 5.) Omg! So true! Just the other day, I went into Barnes and Noble because I had to pee SO bad. I later walked out of the store, having accidentally bought three new books. Ahh!! What is wrong with me? Haha. I just can't help it--I love to read so much!


6.)  Ahhhh hahaha! This is hilarious. And so true, lol.. :)



Brittany Dawn said...

I'm totally doing pictures like that for my baby's room!

Anonymous said...

LOVED #6 e-card! I couldn't agree more! Only I'm not on Facebook so change that to Twitter and it'd make even more sense for me! :) ♥

Mish Lovin' Life said...

Ha! That last e-card is hilarious and most definitely me too... political schmolitical!


Erin O'Riordan said...

I am SO not to be trusted in a bookstore with a credit card.

Jacquie said...

I have the princess pin too! And absolutely NOT allowed to go into a book store with a Credit card!

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